Lintel Repair Holland Road (London)
Newman’s were consulted by the home owner of this domestic dwelling who had recently moved into the property and was planning to externally insulate the dwelling.
It was discovered that extensive cracking had occured to the lintel above the ground floor entrance and that the first floor lintel above the window opening had suffered from extensive settlement. There was also a severe deep crack to the lintel on the rear elevation. We designed a repair scheme that would restore the structural integrity of the lintels and allow the safe installation of the external wall insulation.
Deep masonry beams were installed by means of bed joint reinforcement above the ground floor opening with six vertical pinning ties installed, the separated head stone was then resin injected, restoring structural integrity of the masonry. The First floor window opening had dropped considerably, so our technicians propped the lintel back into position and chemically bonded the lintel to sound masonry. Once the chemical bond had set the lintel was cross pinned using grout ties into sound masonry and bed joint reinforcing was installed. The rear elevation lintel was repaired in exactly the same manner restroing structural stability and integrity.
To find out more about this project or for general advice or information Contact Us today.