Lateral Restraint For Bowing Walls
Bowing of masonry & outward movement is a very common failure in period properties, due to poor methods of construction and inadequate tying of the masonry to the floor and ceiling joists. Lack of lateral restraint will be presented by ‘bowing’ or ‘bulging’ walls.
It is often found that there is absolutely no Lateral Restraint or connection to the floor and ceiling joists causing the masonry to move outwards weakening the structure with the potential for collapse.
Bay windows, especially in Victorian properties, are commonly found to have no connection to the existing structure and are built on shallow foundations resulting in extensive outward movement requiring the need for lateral restraint.
End of terrace gable and flank elevations are also commonly affected by lack of Lateral Restraint as the floor and ceiling joists run parallel to the masonry with no form of tying in or restraint allowing outward movement and cracking to occur.
As a leading specialist Newman’s are able to offer 10 year guarantees on all lateral restraint design schemes.
Repair Specification and Quick Estimate
Based on a full description of the issue and sufficient images, it may be possible for one of our surveyors to provide a repair specification and estimated cost. Please complete the Quick Estimate Form here and give as much information as possible.