Structral Repairs at Shepherd Market,London

Structural Repairs are well underway at Shepherd Market London, the main focus of the repairs is to the central building that dates back to 1860.

The Structrual Repair scheme includes the installation of over 400 metres of Twistfix helical bar to stabilise 25 brick arch lintels, works also including the installation of Crack Stitches and grout injection filling cracks and voids.

Large areas of the building are suffering from failed pointing which has allowed damp to penetrate through the external walls and cause damage to the internal decoration.
Using wall chasers attached to extraction units to minimise the dust we are able to remove the failed mortar from the existing bed joints and repoint using a colour matched lime mortar.
The Main Contractor Pryer Construction Limited are also replacing the roof slates and lead flashings, refurbishing all the existing timber sash windows and fully decorating to the exterior of the building.

Newman’s can help diagnose structural defects, cracking and movement by arranging a free Structural Survey, contact London and the South East leading structural repair specialist for Help, advise and peace of mind call 0333 444 0154 or email