Newman’s advice expands across Europe
Newman’s expertise has expanded to the business to advising home owners and engineers in Europe as well as across the United Kingdom.
With most masonry problems the answers are generally the same, whether the property is located in England, Germany, Holland or even Denmark as in the picture below. Newman’s has the experience to provide the expertise, advice and products for the client to be 100 % confident that the solution will provide a long lasting, aesthetically pleasing result.

The photograph above was taken after a seminar with a large construction company in Denmark and. as you can see, they suffer with the same masonry issues of subsidence, thermal movement, lintel failure and general disrepair of facades and discolouration of brickwork.
After discussions with Mr Pederson, the owner of the property below, who has many years experience in D.I.Y, NBS provided him with advice and products to be able to provide a colour match to his brickwork. This has given him the confidence to tint the bricks to match the existing, as well as provide a waterproof coating to stop any further salting occurring to the property which is located near a large river way in central Silkeborg.

Newman’s, provide a comprehensive list of solutions for defects and problems with walls. This includes but is not limited to:
- Brick Tinting & Mortar Tinting
- Doff Cleaning – environmental deposits, paint, corrosion
- Graffiti Removal
- Brick & Stone Repair
- Stucco Repair
- Brick & Facade Waterproofing
- Structural Repairs
Contact us to today to discuss your requirements. Find the number of your regional office here.