Today’s Structural Survey’s included this large Victorian Property located in Putney, South West London.
Defects found during our survey included lintel failure to a number of brick arch Lintels and outward movement to two of the three bay windows on the rear elevation due to a lack of lateral restraint.
Our structural reports include detailed specifications of the recommend repairs include CAD drawings.
If you require a structural survey to your property call us on 0333 444 0154
Structural Repairs are underway to this large Victorian Property in Hampstead North West London, the repairs include lintel repairs, brick repairs and large areas of repointing using lime mortars.
At Newman’s we utilise modern methods of masonry repair to restore bowing walls and lintel failure to name but a few structural defects.
Our specialist services were called upon by a building surveyor managing the refurbishment of a Victorian built 1890’s semi detached house in Croydon, South London.
Bowing Building London
After completing our survey it was discovered that there was extensive outward movement to the front and gable elevations and with the loft conversion in progress the additional stress to the masonry was sure to cause severe movement.
Bed Joint Reinforcement
Over 30 Lateral restraint ties were used on the gable elevation alone into the first floor and the new loft floor to restrain the outward movement combined with bed joint reinforcement ensuring there would be no further outward movement.
Lateral Restraint Ties Installed
With the bed joint reinforcement being installed front the front elevation wrapped around the gable and into the rear elevation the lintel failure was repaired and the bowing restrained.