Horizontal Cracking In Mortar Beds
Horizontal cracking to the external masonry of a property that is of cavity construction indicates a serious structural defect which will need to be investigated by a specialist.
In the most common instances short horizontal cracks within the mortar bed will indicate that the wall ties have failed and are suffering from oxidisation.

With a failure in the wall tie caused by corrosion iron oxide layers build up on the tie increasing the ties mass, lifting the brick which separates the brick from the mortar it was laid on to therefore the connection between the internal skin of masonry and the external skin of masonry is lost leaving the potential for collapse of the masonry which has happened.

If you have horizontal cracking to the external skin of masonry you should initially contact a wall tie specialist like ourselves and have an intrusive Wall Tie Survey carried out so that the cause of the cracking can be diagnosed and a suitable repair scheme implemented.
Wall Tie Replacement is a delicate process which although appears simple should not be deemed so. Many Wall Tie replacement contractors come and go usually due to poor workmanship and incompetence so always use a reputable company.

Newman’s are approved by the manufacturer Twistfix to design and install replacement Wall Tie schemes which we can guarantee for up-to 25 years. We specialise in Wall Tie Replacement and have designed and implemented many schemes.