Newman’s works closely with many councils across the South of England and have recently carried out a series of Structural Repair schemes to restore failed social housing under the decent homes scheme from our South West office in Bristol.
Structural Repairs
As part of the Structural Repair works we carried out a Structural repair Survey in order to diagnose the causes of cracking and movement and to design a suitable repair scheme that would restraint all Structural Movement.
Structural Repairs
The first phase of works are to 5 No 1940’s built properties built using cavity wall construction which were suffering from cracks at the junctions of the outside walls and the internal masonry partition walls.
Structural Repairs
In order to prevent any further movement we specified Twistfix Helical rods to be installed into the external bed joints, drilled into the internal masonry partition walls and then grouted into the masonry creating an L shaped tie resisting any further outward movement.
Structural Repairs
The Structural Repair works are carried out in just a matter of days including the installation of helical ties, re-plastering and re-pointing.
Bowing Wall
All the works are gauranteed by ourselves and also covered by a 10 year insurance back guarantee from Insured Guarantees Limited.
If you works on social housing schemes be sure to contact us today for all of your structural repair requirements.
The decent homes scheme is still running and Newman’s work with many main contractors on window replacement schemes and External Wall Insulation contracts in order to repair masonry and allow the safe upgrade of properties.
Bed Joint Reinforcement
Often with window replacement schemes it is discovered that lintels are defective and in some instances have even collapsed upon removal of windows. We carry out lintel surveys on behalf of the council or the main contractor and specify repair programmes that will not hold up the schedule and will restore the structural integrity of the brickwork saving time and money on costly lintel rebuilds.
Lintel Failure
Wall tie failure is another common structural defect within social housing due to many properties being built within the 1930’s to 1960’s using iron fishtail ties which have corroded and failed or in some instances simply a lack of wall ties have been installed during the construction phase. Only specialist contractors like us should be used for wall tie replacement schemes.
Wall Tie Failure
Often these structural defects only come to light whilst other trades are on site requiring us to have a fast turnaround, we can normally attend site within 24 hours and will design a repair strategy on site using our in house surveyors.
If you are currently working on any social housing schemes that require our services please do not hesitate to contact us right away.
Newman’s are now undertaking CCTV drainage surveys for all of our clients to benefit our range of services specifically linked with the repair of buildings.
We carry out subsidence investigations and repairs and as a part of this package we inspect drainage systems for fractures and failures which may be the cause of movement to a building.
Drainage Survey
Our technicians are able to carry out a detailed survey using the latest CCTV technology which also records the entire inspection. We will then provide a report identifying the design and construction of the drainage and also any defects and the appropriate most cost effective solution for repair.
Drainage Survey
We can carry out pach repairs and linings whilst on site or at a later date if required. Our drainage services can be carried out for any works not only our own investigations.
If you require a cost for a CCTV drainage survey then please call 0333 444 0154 for any enquiries.