Maintenance to the external fabric of your property can be the difference between a simple cheap repair and costly, major works. We are all guilty of ignoring the external fabric of our property and most of us do not realise how important it is to maintain not only our gardens but our structure too.
One of the most common causes of cracked brickwork in London is caused by Lintel Failure and around 75% of residential Structural Repairs that we carry out are to Reinforce Failed Lintels.
Newman’s work closely with many councils across London carrying out Structural Repairs including the design and installation of repairs using the comprehensive range of Twistfix remedial solutions.
We were called upon to investigate cracking to elderly residents bungalows which had shown signs of ground movement. Newman’s were asked to design a solution that would restrain further movement.
The councils own engineers had been monitoring the movement using crack pins and the property had been stable for a period of 12 months indicating that underpinning or piling in the first instance was not necessary.
Masonry Beams were installed which will distribute the loads across the existing masonry effectively creating lintels within the bed joint. Twistfix are the only helical bar distributor that have had BRE test results and using their test data we are able to design a suitable solution for all structural repair projects.
Masonry Beams & Stitches
With local cracks repaired using crack stitches and grout injection combined with the bed joint reinforcement it is unlikely that cracking will occur unless there is substantial ground movement which will be remotely monitored.
The full case study will be coming soon, in the mean time if you have any cracks that require a structural survey be sure to contact London’s leading structural repair contractor today on 0333 444 0154