Structural Repairs and Concrete Repairs are often under-looked as a specialist trade with many companies and DIY enthusiasts just having a go…
Even specialist companies within the structural repair industry incorrectly install structural repair products which then become defunct and in some instances cause more damage than good.
Here’s a few examples where Newman’s have been called in to rectify works installed incorrectly.
This picture below is an example of a 9mm helical tie which was supposed to be tying the front elevation of a Victorian commercial property on a busy high street which was bowing outwards. You can visit our case study here to view the Newman solution.
Incorrect Installation
This picture is of a concrete repair which was carried out by a builder using a weak sand cement mix to reinstate the structural integrity of the concrete supporting beam which had failed due to corrosion of the reinforcing steel within the concrete.
Terrible Concrete Repair
And this is a crack repair carried out apparently by a reputable contractor who are associated with a ‘leading manufacturer’ in the South West, (we won’t name and shame), where instead of using a helical bar encompassed in reinforcement grout such as that we use supplied by Twistfix instead a 6mm galvanised steel rod was inserted into the bed joint and simply pointed over.
Crack Stitching Gone Wrong
Always use a specialist with a good reputation who can supply references and case studies of previous work and supply genuine insurance backed guarantees.
Newman’s work closely with many councils across London carrying out Structural Repairs including the design and installation of repairs using the comprehensive range of Twistfix remedial solutions.
We were called upon to investigate cracking to elderly residents bungalows which had shown signs of ground movement. Newman’s were asked to design a solution that would restrain further movement.
The councils own engineers had been monitoring the movement using crack pins and the property had been stable for a period of 12 months indicating that underpinning or piling in the first instance was not necessary.
Masonry Beams were installed which will distribute the loads across the existing masonry effectively creating lintels within the bed joint. Twistfix are the only helical bar distributor that have had BRE test results and using their test data we are able to design a suitable solution for all structural repair projects.
Masonry Beams & Stitches
With local cracks repaired using crack stitches and grout injection combined with the bed joint reinforcement it is unlikely that cracking will occur unless there is substantial ground movement which will be remotely monitored.
The full case study will be coming soon, in the mean time if you have any cracks that require a structural survey be sure to contact London’s leading structural repair contractor today on 0333 444 0154
Newman’s were instructed by City Line Construction, who are a reputable general building company, who we have worked closely with carrying out Structural Repairs for previously.
Whilst City Line were carrying out refurbishment works to this property in Fulham, South West London they discovered severe live cracks to the bay window and Newman’s were asked to carry out a Structure Only Reportto diagnose the cause of cracking and to design aBay Window Restraintspecification.
Bay Window Repairs
Being Trusted Twistfix approved contractors we have access to their range of remedial products and were able to design a specification which would be approved by Twistfix in order to provide a 10 year insurance backed guarantee.
Bay Window Crack
Bed Joint Reinforcement was installed to distribute structural loads along with Twistfix Patented 450mm CD pinning ties. Combined with areas of resin injection and reinforcement we were able to restrain any further movement and provide a lasting repair solution.
Completed Project
the full case study is available on our case studies section with more information and photographs.
If your bay window needs restraining or you have noticed cracks to the internal or external masonry or separation of the wall and skirting board be sure to contact your nearest office today on 0333 444 0154 or email